The competition can be attended by management staff, professors and scientific researchers of all higher education institutions in the Republic.
General requirements for articles:
-Priority areas for the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan should be devoted, in particular, to a qualitatively new level of the content of higher education, advanced technologies used in educational processes, prospects of a credit-modular system, strengthening scientific research, gradual introduction of the concept of “University 3.0”, access to international rankings, international cooperation and other important areas;
– articles should be useful for professors, reflecting new ideas, to the extent that they will be used as a methodological resource in the future;
– based on scientific analysis and completed opinions, analytical-critical, should be presented with specific practical suggestions and recommendations on the solution of existing problems on the selected topic;
– it can be in one of the Uzbek, Russian and English languages;
– it is imperative to be formed on the basis of the requirements for articles and clearly indicate information about the author in it (it is desirable that the volume is in 14 fonts, with an interval of 1.15, up to 10-12 pages).
Articles will be received by November 20, 2023 through the @EduJournalBot bot in the telegram messenger.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the articles submitted to the competition. Articles are reviewed and evaluated by a panel of special specialists. The authors of the article deemed the best are presented with a cash prize and a certificate of victory by the organizers.
The best article is selected impartially based on quality indicators, regardless of the author’s place of work and residence, position and status.
Competition prize fund Rs 10 crore:
1st place 5,000,000 (five million
2nd place 3,000,000 (three crores
3rd place 2,000,000 (two crores
Information about the selection process and results can be found on the official pages of the Center on social networks (, be published. And the articles of the winning authors will be published in the upcoming issues of” Higher Education in Uzbekistan”.