The popular scientific journal “Higher Education in Uzbekistan” publishes articles on general issues and problems of the higher education system of the country, as well as scientific analysis and recommendations for the development of the industry.
The founder of the journal “Higher Education in Uzbekistan” is the Center for Research and Development of Higher Education under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The magazine is a social, scientific and popular publication in A-4 format from 100 to 120 pages, 4 times a year in Uzbek (Cyrillic or Latin), intended for distribution throughout the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad. will be published as a publication.
The objectives of the journal are as follows:
Facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the development of scientific research in higher education;
to explain to the general public the essence of the radical reforms in the field of higher education in our country;
to inform professors, doctoral students, researchers, masters, students and various sectors of the economy about the latest developments in the field of science in our country and internationally;
results of scientific research, problems and issues awaiting solution, news on science and technology in other countries, in higher education institutions
Functions of the journal:
radical reforms in the development of science and technology in higher education, the results of reforms in the education system and the effectiveness of scientific and educational work, the search for talented and potential young people and their orientation to research. to achieve professional training;
to analyze the science of higher education, to summarize the work of local and foreign experts on the implementation of its results in practice and to establish effective cooperation with them;
publication of analytical data, results of scientific articles and researches and materials reflecting new ideas in the field of higher education and coverage of official information of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its affiliated organizations;
to convey to the public the essence of the innovative ideas that are being introduced as a result of reforms in our country.
The address of the editorial office is 75, Shifonur Street, Almazar district, Tashkent. Tel .: (+998 71) 207-03-41. Email:
The magazine was registered on December 29, 2021 with the certificate number 1495 from the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan.